Friday, 25 October 2013

Beauty and Health Benefits of Pumpkin

Pumpkin Health Secrets |
Home Made Effective Tips Using Pumpkin
| Pumpkin Beauty Recipes

Do you like eating this fruit? Mostly people dislike and don’t want to make it, a part of their daily diet. But do you actually know that pumpkin is a much nutritious fruit! Not only used in daily meals, but also commonly used for home made remedies to acquire face beauty. The purpose of this article is basically demonstration of valuable characteristics of pumpkin and revealing upon you some important  health and beauty secrets hidden in pumpkin which surely attract you towards this fruit and later on, you would certainly like to take it for catching those undisclosed.
Pumpkin Health Benefits:

  • Pumpkin consists of beta-carotene, having a lot of nutritious elements inside it. It is often used as a medicine in stomach diseases, eradicates urine irritation and removes harmful gastric and infectious affects inside stomach.

  • If you are feeling unsleeping or drowsy in summer, just massage pumpkin pieces on your foot heels, it will provide a deep comfort. Moreover; Mix pumpkin juice with til oil, and massage your head daily with this also bestows you a profound slumber.

  • Pumpkin seeds comprise of powerful anti-aging anti oxidants, having vitamins E, selenium, and essentials acids which are vital for skin growth.

  • Their seeds contain minerals and vitamins which assist to perk up skin structure with its continuance as a soft and flexible skin. They protect your skin from ultra violet sunrays, smoothen it and protect it from production of dark black skin freckles.

  • Pumpkin having zinc aids to maintain the normal level of collision in human body. Combination of zinc and selenium in pumpkin fights against acne; where as vitamin A can also be found the most in pumpkin which nurture and activates the new cells of human body. Besides, it also helps to repair the damage and broken cells.
  • Pumpkin includes fatty acids which controls the usual fat level and also sustains the moisture level in human body.

Pumpkin Seeds Benefits for Health:

Scientific research reveals that taking Pumpkin seeds as snakes are very effective in excluding kidney stones and all the elements which could help to make stones.
  • They reduce the urine infection and for the excess of urine, they are effectively used.

  • Pumpkin seeds assist to remove parasites, tape & round worms which harm your stomach system.

  • Their seeds have anti viral characteristics, having abundance of calcium, magnesium & zinc strengthening your bones.

  • They contain tryptophan, amino acid that reduces depression and makes your mood happy and calm.

  • They are used commonly in medicines for arthritis disease.

  • Pumpkin seeds are equally beneficial for the beauty of your hairs, nails and skin too by consisting of omega fatty acids and vitamins A & E.
  • They contain such anti oxidants which protect you from breast and prostate cancer.

Effective Home Made Remedies Using Pumpkin

Health Tips:

For Headache: Take 4-5 spoons of fresh pumpkin pulp. Apply this on your forehead just for 15-20 minutes. You will surely feel relaxed in a while.

For Ear Pain: Take 2 tea spoons of milk and mix pumpkins juice in the same quantity. Now, drip 2-3 drops in ear, and put a cotton piece. You will get pain relief after a few seconds.

For Molar Pain: Boil a square piece of pumpkin and 4-5 garlic in a half liter of water. When water remains half, gargle with it 5-7 minutes. It will abolish molar pain.

For Eyes swelling & Reddishness: take some pumpkin peels and let them dry in sunlight. Make their powder after frying in a frying pan. Apply daily morning in your eyes like kohl; it will certainly reduce swelling of your eyes but also eliminates their reddishness and magically increases your eyesight.

For Constipation: Let some pumpkin peels to be dry in room temperature till 2 or 3 days. Then grind and make their powder. Now take one glass of lukewarm water and mix one tea spoon of this powder with honey in the same quantity into this water. Drinking it daily morning proves very effectual for constipation.

For Liver Heat & Jaundice: Take small pieces of pumpkin and one table spoon of tamarind; boil them into 750 gram of water. When it remains 250g, let it become cold, sieve this water, and mix 2-3 spoons of sugar. Use this water till one week. It reduces liver heat and helps for new blood production.

For Kidney Pain: Pumpkin seeds abolish the production of calcium oxalate stones. Take fresh pumpkin pulp; make it warm on dim heat, put it now on effected place for a few minutes, pain will be eliminated gradually.

For Arthritis Pain: An effective remedy for this problem is Daily massaging your joints with pumpkin seeds oil. It will reduce the pain and inflammation of arthritis.

Skin Beauty Tips:
Pumpkin Face Mask Recipe: Take 2 tea spoon pumpkin pulp, half spoon of honey, ¼ spoon of thick cream (or half tea spoon of sugar for dry skins), & one tea spoon of apple vinegar (or crane berry juice for oily skins). Mix them very well. Apply this mask to whole face except eyes below & upper parts, with your fingertips for 15 minutes. Later on wash your face with tepid water.

Spice Facial Recipe: Take 2 table spoons of pumpkin, half spoon honey, half spoon milk, and ¼ spoon of cinnamon powder. Make their paste. Now first wash your face with fresh water, and then apply this paste for 15-20 minutes. Wash later with lukewarm water. This facial contains vitamins and enzymes, which make your skin clean, soft and flexible.

Face Scrub: Take 5-6 spoons of pumpkin pulp, 3 table spoons of sugar, and half cup of pumpkin seeds oil. Make a thick paste. Now apply it on your face for 2 to 3 minutes.

Anti aging Mask: Blend some pumpkin piece. Mix yolk of 2 eggs and a little sandal oil. Now apply this paste for 20 minutes. Wash your face with fresh water later.

I’m sure you have been astonished after reading these amazing benefits of pumpkin and definitely made the intention to include this fruit in your daily diet!

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Destructive effects of Smoking with Preventive Measures

Smoking Preventive Care Tips
Smoking Avoidance Remedies

Destructive effects of Smoking with Preventive Measures

Smoking Preventive Care Tips
Smoking Avoidance Remedies

Some Important Tips

10 Habits That Damage Your Brain

Sharp Mind Tips
Boost Your Brain Performance

Routine Habits that Weaken Your Mind
Brain Failure Causes

Brain, as you know well, the most important organ of your body which must be safe and sound so that your whole body could function properly. Sometimes it happens, that we adopt some bad habits unintentionally that might effect on our brain directly and if those become routine practices, our brain could be seriously damaged. Here I m sharing with you 10 habits that may cause destructive for your brain; if you have any of these, just get rid of it for the sake of your brain protection:

1. Not Taking Breakfast:

People, who are not habitual of taking breakfast, increase their sugar level that is surely harmful for your health; besides, brain is failed to get energy for its growth.

2. Eating Excessively:

Excess of eating produces hurdles in clean blood supply to brain arteries; as a result your brain performance might be effectively weedy. Take less but a nutritious diet.

3. Smoking:

Brain internal veins start shrinking due to abundant smoking and you may be the possible victim of many harmful diseases especially Alzheimer is very injurious in this situation that weakens your memory gradually and steadily!

4. Excessive Usage of Sugar:

Taking sugar excessively might create problems in required energy supply for absorbing the consequent proteins into the brain; that can prove a key cause to weaken your brain functioning.

5. Air Pollution:

Oxygen, as you know well, is important for living things to a great extent, and Brain is the organ which absorbs Oxygen the most among all parts of your body, hence spending more time in polluted environment may be basis for hurdles in required level of oxygen supply to your brain. Awake early in the morning and try to keep your surroundings neat and clean.

6. Late Sleep, Late Awake up:

A good sleep is the best source to provide deep comfort to your body; less doze of slumber can kill your brain cells so sleep early at night for a proficient mind and a fresh awake up in the morning!

7. Covered Face While Sleeping:

It is a detrimental habit as this act may lessen oxygen supply and increase CO2 level which harms your brain destructively.

8. Study While illness:

Don’t do study and extra work while you are not feeling well or you have a fever; it effectively harms your brain performance. Your brain needs additional console in illness and brain cells want relief so don’t lay burden on your mind!

9. Keeping Negative Thoughts:

Just have a good mind with hope and positive thoughts about others. If you want a powerful intelligence, you must get rid of spammed & negative contemplations.

10. Useless Gossips:

Always try to talk for a knowledge full discussion. Share your intellectual ideas that help to grow up your brain abilities. Useless talks and gossips just destruct your brain capabilities.

Friday, 18 October 2013

Amazing Health Secrets

Effective Health Tips in Urdu
Tips For Healthy Living 

Amazing Health Secrets
Effective Health Tips in Urdu
Tips For Healthy Living 

Have a happy and healthy life...!

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Beauty Tips | Aspirin Disprin Mask

Beneficial for Face Beauty

Effective for Face Acne and Skin Freckles

Surely you know well about aspirin tablets, commonly used to ease from pain, fever and headache; it can also provide relief in cough, flu, colds and body ache. But do you know, they are also used for healing face acne and evenly beneficial for skin freckles and face beauty! Yes, aspirin tablets are equally helpful for face attractiveness in the form of a home made and easily prepared mask. A latest research has revealed this verity that this less cost tablet not only presents relief in sting but also be magically effective for enhancing the brightness of your face skin with removing black spots, wrinkles and acne from your face.

Basically aspirin is composed of salicylic acid which plays the most important job to soothe in pain and reduce the swelling effects; also, it bestows comfort by opening the closed pores and softens the rough and ruthless skin of your face. 

Effective for Skin diseases:

Disprin mask is very efficient for a skin disease of papulopustular rosacea, in which there are red scratches, acnes and skin freckles become prominent resulting in a rough and harsh skin. Just a 2 weeks regular treatment of disprin mask is very effectual to pick up to the original shining and glowing face skin again. 

Making Disprin Mask:

Take 5 tablets of disprin, and make their powder. Now mix 1 tea spoon of curd and honey as well. Apply this face mask for 10 to 20 minutes; when it becomes dry, soak a towel in lukewarm water and clean your face with it. You will have an incredibly glowing and brightening skin!
Apart from these two, you may also include any moisturizer and Aloe Vera gel to retain the skin wetness. Besides daily cleansing of face skin is also very vital. 


  • Although disprin face mask acts just like a cold cream but it is better not to use it if you are skin allergic patient. In that case, it is better to apply it precautionary on any other part of your body first to observe its side effects.
  • If you have a dry skin or using this mask makes your skin drier, then you will just have to increase the quantity of honey in paste; after that it will be effective in same as for normal skin.
  • For oily skin people, curd quantity may be increased to get good effects quickly.

For Acne:

Disprin mask is also a successful remedy to get rid of skin acnes and wrinkles. Besides, avoiding of junk food, cold drinks and alcohol is obligatory too to shield your face skin health and beauty. According to a popular web, 86% visitors are agreed about disprin mask sound effects to pull through from acne, red marks, swelled skin and black spots.