Saturday, 27 July 2013

Health Benefits of Dates

Health Tips
Remedies of common problems by Dates

A Date is a sweet fruit from the Date Palm (scientific name: Phoenix dactylifera). Originating in the desert oases of northern Africa and southwest Asia, Middle Eastern peoples have included dates as a part of their diet for centuries. The date is thought to be one of the world’s oldest cultivated fruits.
The date palm has been referenced to as a “tree of life,” probably due to its excellent health benefits as well as its high nutritional value. Dates are best eaten when they are fresh, in season and water rich. You may also find raw dried dates at your organic market and these will be more concentrated and should be treated like all other dried fruits.
Ramadan is celebrated during the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and Muslims fast each day, from sunrise to sunset, in order to gain a higher level of spiritual enlightenment. The tradition of eating dates during Ramadan, in order to break the fast at the end of each day, spans the course of history back to the time of the Prophet Mohammed. Naturally, a depletion of energy can be experienced as a result of fasting, and consuming dates is thought to be a gentle way in which to ease the body back into the act of eating. Dates, it is said, prevent metabolic, digestive, and other physical issues that may be caused by the practice of fasting.
Health Advantages of Eating Dates
  • Dates are known to be an excellent cure for intestinal disturbances.
  • Dates are digested very easily therefore they are good for supplying quick energy.
  • Regular consumption of dates has been found to check the growth of pathological organisms and help in the growth of friendly bacteria in the intestines.
  • Being a laxative food, dates have been found to be beneficial for those suffering from constipation; as well dates generally help the elimination of waste.
  • Studies have shown that consumption of dates, soaked overnight and crushed, is good for those who have heart problems.
  • Dates can be immersed in water at night and taken after making them into fine syrup the next morning to secure laxative effect.
  • Dates have the ability to lower LDL cholesterol.
  • Researchers have revealed that dates are effective in preventing abdominal cancer.
  • One of the key benefits of dates is its ability to regulate a healthy nervous system, thanks to the rich potassium content. Research has recommended that higher intake of potassium (about 400 mg) can cut the risk of stroke by 40 percent. As potassium does not get stored in the body, a regular consumption of dates will continually replenish the body and aid in maintaining a healthy nervous system and the right balance of the body's metabolism.
  • Dates are rich in iron and can be beneficial to those who suffer from anemia.
  • Research has found that eating dates daily for four weeks can improve the quality of lipids (fats) in the blood without raising sugar levels.

Dates Benefits for Pregnant women

Desi Health Tips
Dates Health Benefits in pregnancy and breast feeding

In a number of Qur'anic verses, the humble date is honored as one of the blessings of Paradise. This tiny fruit has more potassium than even a banana does! Loaded with high dietary fiber, and dismissive quantities of calories, fat, cholesterol and sodium make this fruit a vital source of nutrients. An interesting fact about dates is that it is one of the important fruits consumed after breaking fast during the Ramadan holy month in the Arab countries. Just a handful, increases the energy levels of the body that has received no nourishment throughout the day, during fast. Dates are energy boosters with naturally occurring sugars such as fructose, glucose and sucrose that provide the body with loads of energy.

The features of the date are noted in Surah Maryam (Al Quran):
The pains of labour drove her to the trunk of a date-palm. She [Maryam] said, "Oh if only I had died before this time and was something discarded and forgotten!" A voice called out to her from under her, "Do not grieve! Your Lord has placed a small stream at your feet. Shake the trunk of the palm towards you and fresh, ripe dates will drop down onto you. Eat and drink and delight your eyes…" (Qur'an, 19:23-26).

There is considerable wisdom in the way that Allah recommends Maryam to eat this fruit. The date is an excellent choice of food for the pregnant women and for those who have just given birth. This is a widely accepted scientific fact. Some experiments have shown results that point to the strengthening of the uterine muscles due to consumption of dates. This is beneficial particularly in the last months of pregnancy. As well it is said dates can help dilation at the time of delivery. It should also be mentioned that research has found a link between dates and a reduction of bleeding postpartum. With this information it is concluded that dates are a real benefit to women in pregnancy and those who are breast-feeding.

Dates are believed to contain elements that assist in alleviating depression in mothers and enriching the breast-milk with elements needed to make the child healthy and resistant to disease.

By consuming dates, which contain an element called fluorine (this is responsible for the fruits enamel building) it is probable that they will assist in cavity prevention as well.

Friday, 26 July 2013

Beauty Tips | Tips for Long Hair

Home Made Tips for Growing Hair Fast

The hair is the beauty of every man & woman. Growing and maintaining a healthy soft hair should be every one desire. While some one already have beautiful soft glowing hairs, others are still struggling to get one and that is why several formulas and daily routines have been introduced to help those who are struggling.

Nutrition is one of the major factors deciding the health and growth of hair. Amino acids and B complex vitamins are among the primary nutrients required by hair. Proteins constitute the major part of in the composition of hair. Therefore, the first thing that you should do is increase your consumption of proteins. They are present in ample proportions in the foods as fish, beans yogurt and beans. It has been found that the proteins, which are obtained from yeast, wheat germ, calves liver, are the best for hair. In addition, experts suggested the consumption of two tablespoons granulated lecithin for those who have hair growth problems.
Moreover, vitamins are very important for maintenance of the health of hair. Vitamin B complex group as beta-carotene is very important. In addition to this, minerals as magnesium, sulfur, zinc and silica as well are crucial for hair growth. Therefore, increasing their intake as well is important. For this, you can consume the green leafy as well as yellow colored vegetables and fruits.

Applying homemade tips will be useless if the commonly known ones are put aside. For example, if you apply a homemade formula to your hair but still go on to expose your hair to excess heat, you will find that there will be no improvement in your hair, be it in length or texture. So even if the home formulas are great, make sure you do not break other rules.
Below are some formulas and daily practices that will help you grow a soft, smooth and healthy hair fast.
A void using combs with small tooth. They cause your hair to pull out and sometimes tangle. If you continue to use them, you will find your hair completely gone in no time.
Without proper nutrition, the hair will not grow. Nutritional foods like protein, zinc, silica, frolic acid, biotin, vitamins, and Omega-3 fatty acid, will help boost the body functionality which also affects the scalp and hair growth.
Mix potato juice with egg yolk, 1teaspoon of honey and a little water. Apply the mixture slightly over your hair and leave for about 30 minutes before washing off with a mild shampoo.
Never underestimate the power of trimming bad or dead hairs off your head. If you leave them to hand around, they will spread out and affect the good ones.
Use Aloe Vera
Blend 1 teaspoon of Aloe Vera gel with ½ teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix with olive oil or coconut oil. Apply the mixture into your scalp and leave for about 10 to 15 minutes. After that, rinse it off with mild shampoo.
Carry out hot oil massage on your hair and scalp. Natural oils like coconut oil and grape seeds can do the job. Rub it on the hair and cover it with a shower cap for about 15 minutes. The heat from your scalp will heat up the oil and cause it to spread all over and easily work its way into the scalp.
Honey and Castor oil
Mix 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 teaspoon of Castor Oil. Apply the mixture on your hair and then cover it with a wrapper for about 15 to 30 minutes. When the set time is over, wash off the mixture with mild shampoo. This also serves as a good home made conditioner.
Add one egg into 3 teaspoons of olive oil, then mix it with a few mashed cucumber peels and apply it to your hair. Let it stay for 15 minutes before you wash off with shampoo.

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Health Tips for Athletes

The best advises for Human Body 
during Exercise and Sports Activities

  1. If the person exercise jogging or aerobics or train in the gym for a period not exceeding time every day you do not need to worry about feeding program for Exercise and Sport, followers basic rules for a healthy diet that will provide you energy and food required for the exercise of these activities. But if you play sports for more than 90 minutes a day, especially if you participate and compete in sporting events intense, the special diet will help you to provide the best performance and recharge faster later, so offer you following tips essential for Human Body during Exercise and Sports Activities or athletes
  2. For activities that exceed 90 minutes, it is necessary to re-supply carbohydrates, minerals and water during training, where experts advise eating snacks and drinking fluids every 15-20 minutes, Carbohydrates refined sugar or flour implemented quickly into the bloodstream, and nourishes the muscles working. And many athletes prefer food and sports drinks as they are dedicated to them, but fruit or fruit juices also an excellent option. As well as the re-supply of carbohydrates is essential equally strong after training, and since you are not in urgent need of energy, it is best to choose a simple carbohydrates found in whole grain bread, carrot sticks and fresh vegetables are carbohydrates and provides you with many other nutrients.
  3. The milk of the best food to meet the power shortage after the competition, because it provides the amount of balanced protein and carbohydrates, it also contains whey protein and protein casein, and this combination is particularly useful for athletes, where research has shown that whey fast absorption This helps to make up the shortfall quickly after the end of the competition, while casein is slow absorption, and helps in restoring energy in the long term. Milk also contains calcium is known of its importance to maintain strong bones. Although the protein is composed of amino acids, but did not conclusively prove the benefits of taking supplements that contain amino acids, and a lot of protein may cause stress to the kidneys. Instead of taking the supplements, you can count on high-quality protein sources such as meat low in fat and fish, chicken, nuts, eggs and milk.
  4. Carbohydrate intake in abundance is must fuel for athletes, they are transformed into glucose is stored in the form of muscle glycogen or sugar liver (glycogen), and when practiced sport that turns sugar into energy. If you do not exceed a period of 90 minutes training, would be sufficient stock of sugar in the muscles to provide the energy needed so strong in sports. As for participation in a sporting event long, storage the carbohydrates for three or four days before the start of competition helps to fill your sugar supply.
  5. Prepare healthy meal plans to store as much as possible of carbohydrates, experts’ advice that to follow a diet in which carbohydrates are the source of 70% of calories, and focusing on the bread, cereals, pasta, fruits and vegetables.
  6. Avoid eating sugars or starches before the start of competition or any sporting activity at least thirty minutes, because the metabolism of carbohydrates consumed water and this may speed up dehydration.
  7. On the day of competition Mark your last meal before the start of training three or four hours, in order to give your stomach time to empty.
  8. Eat an adequate amount of protein without excessive because protein may not give you enough fuel for power generation, but it is necessary to maintain the muscle tissue.
  9. Based on healthy meal plans, the average person needs to be 2.1 to 4.1 grams of protein per kilogram of weight per day, which is equivalent to 88 grams of protein for a person who weighs 75 kilograms.
  10. Early and frequently fluids are necessary especially in hot weather drought, which reduces the level of rapid performance, may be fatal in extreme cases. So must the athletes who practice sports strong to drink fluids early and frequently without having to wait for thirst, because it may indicate a feeling reaching a critical stage drought. To find out, you should check urine color continuously, Fallon pale yellow means that your body is saturated with fluid, and the bright yellow color or urine dark means that there is a shortage, training is violent causes a lack of fluids quickly, so it is important to drink fluids before and during the competition.
  11. Based on experts advices for athletes of sports endurance, cycling for a long distance, drinking 250-300 grams of fluid every 10-15 minutes during the competition.
  12. Ensure continue supply of salt to the body because sweating cause loss of fluids and salts or electrolytes, and to compensate for the lack of these salts turn a lot of athletes for sports drinks (which are different from energy drinks). If you lose a lot of fluids, experts’ advice resolve these drinks with an equal amount of water to get a balanced mix of fluids and salts.
  13. For competitions long, such as race the marathon, the body begins to burn fat for energy when decreasing inventory carbohydrates, but you can get a proper amount of fat to choose unsaturated fat sources Such as nuts , olive and vegetable oils and fatty fish such as salmon and tuna. Experts recommend avoiding fatty foods on the day of the competition because it may cause stomach upset.

Healthy Fasting Tips during Ramadan

Health Tips for Fastening
Solution of common problems during fastening

Heart burn or acidity is a very common problem at this time. During Ramadan acid secretion from stomach is reduced, but smelling of food and craving for food stimulates brain which ultimately stimulates increased acid secretion. For this those who are suffering from previous acidity or peptic ulceration should take different antacid as per advice by the physicians, avoid fatty, oily and spicy meals at sehri, iftar and meals.

Headacheis very common problem, especially in first few days of Ramadan. It is due to fasting, change of schedule of normal food habits and less sleep. It can also happen due to dehydration, fluid loss, and inadequate rest. To avoid headache, you have to take adequate rest, drink plenty of water and fresh fruit juice. For severe headache, analgesic like paracetamol or NSAID can be taken. Avoid drinking excessive coffee or tea and smoking along with exposure to sunlight during Ramadan.

Constipationis another common problem during Ramadan. Because of long time fasting, dehydration and less intake of fiber rich food, constipation may occur. For this reason, it is advised to drink plenty of water, fresh fruit juice, fiber rich diet and vegetables during meal, ifter and sehri. In case of severe constipation appropriate laxative may be used as per advice of doctors. 

Friday, 12 July 2013

Health Tips for Fastening in Ramadan

Healthy Fastening during Ramadan
Importance of Drinking Water in Sehar & Iftar

In the Holy Month of Ramadan, we all happen to fall in the midst of the summer heat and feel the importance of water. Because most devout fasters tend to forgo water for fried fatty food and soda, caffeine and sweetened beverages, they end up with internal dehydration, weight gain and kidney damage. People have gotten into the habit of over eating so such an extent that they leave no space for plain water. By doing so, they defeat the purpose of fasting and neglect an essential aspect of health as well as harm their bodies.
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) recommended allocating one third of the body’s capacity for food, one third for drinking and one third for breathing. Unfortunately, modern lifestyles with excessive accessibility of fatty, fried foods have led us to over-stuff ourselves with heavy meals, leaving little space for water and breathing.
Cold drinks, Coffee, excess tea and caffeine in soda and energy sweetened drinks are negative fluids. Due to their diuretic properties, they dehydrate the body, resulting in water loss instead. Insufficient plain water intake stresses the body systems (adrenal glands) and puts a load on certain organs (kidneys), leading to elevated blood sugar levels, insulin and blood pressure, toxin deposits, increased urine output and higher risk of urine and bladder infections and renal failure.

Water encourages the elimination of toxins through the renal, digestive and glandular systems (urine, bowel movement, perspiration). When such poisonous deposits remain too long in the body they cause an overload of internal toxicity.
Muscles also require sufficient water to perform. With water shortage, energy is sapped and they start aching. Workouts and simple daily chores become difficult to perform. Water makes up 22 percent of bone mass. Without it, the bones begin to ache and fail to rebuild and keep strong. The joints suffer as well.
Without sufficient water intake, the cleansing organs fail to operate adequately to purify the blood. The blood starts building toxins due to the burdened kidneys. Dehydration also causes painful chronic urine and bladder infections, which tax the kidneys as well, resulting in damage or failure.
When the body is dehydrated, it draws water from the intestines, resulting in acid reflux, constipation, hemorrhoids and insufficient nutrient assimilation. The digestive tract starts to suffer without our awareness of the underlying cause. Insufficient water intake results in low energy, fatigue, disorientation, failing memory, dry eyes and skin, muscle, back and headaches, irritability, anxiety and anger.
The respiratory tract also suffers from dry conditions. Mucus in the airways and nose becomes thick and harmful and attracts infections. Dry cough, blocked nose, asthma, sinusitis, chest allergies and recurrent colds and infections can be symptoms of water shortage.
Body functions like breathing, perspiration and digestion require one and a half liters of water daily in order to operate the different systems and organs optimally. With this quantity of water expended, the body needs to replenish the daily loss; or else, we start feeling fatigued and slower mentally and physically.
We conclude that, nothing substitutes for water — not a thing. No drink — no coffee, no tea, no alcoholic beverages. Not even fruit juices.” He explained that water and other drinks do not produce the same effects on the cells, organs and systems. Therefore, the body needs a continuous new supply of pure fresh water to complete certain functions that cannot be done by adulterated waters like caffeine, soda, energy and sweetened beverages and alcohol in particular. Not even fresh fruit juices can perform the same tasks, especially on the cellular level when it comes to quenching body and brain cells.
Enjoy the freshness of water and how it cools your body and energizes you!

Friday, 5 July 2013

Health Tips | Control High Blood Pressure

Health Tips for Hypertension
Tips to Control your High Blood Pressure

  • It is necessary to ensure your blood pressure is less than 140/90 mm Hg. If your systolic pressure (the top number) is over 140, ask your doctor what you can do to lower it.
  • Take your high blood pressure medicine, if prescribed, every day. If you have questions, talk to your doctor.
  • Use spices and herbs instead of salt to season the food you prepare at home.
  • Eat more fruits, vegetables, grains, and low-fat dairy foods.
  • Read nutrition labels. Almost all packaged foods contain sodium. Every time you prepare or eat a packaged food, know how much sodium is in one serving.
  • Increase your physical activity by different exercises. Do at least 30 minutes of moderate activity, such as walking, most days of the week. You can do 30 minutes in three 10-minute segments.
  • Choose foods low in salt and sodium. Most Americans should consume no more than 2.4 grams (2,400 milligrams) of sodium a day. That equals 6 grams, about one teaspoon of table salt a day. For someone with high blood pressure, the doctor may advise less.
  • If you are overweight or obese, carrying this extra weight increases your risk of high blood pressure. One way to determine if you need to lose weight is to find out your body mass index or BMI. If your BMI is above the healthy range (i.e., 25 or greater), or if your waist measurement is greater than 35 inches (women) or 40 inches (men) you probably have excess abdominal weight and you may benefit from weight loss especially if you have other risk factors.
  • Keep a sodium diary. You may be surprised at how much sodium you consume each day and the diary will help you decide which foods to decrease or eliminate.
  • If you consume alcohol, it should be avoided for better results