Sunday, 15 December 2013

Skin Care in Winter Season

Beauty Tips

How to Overcome Skin Dryness

In winter seasons you can overcome the conditions of dryness caused by the solidification of skin's oily content by following ways;
  • A vital skin care tip for winter involves bare minimum use of water. After a wash or shower, make sure to pat yourself completely dry.
  • Skin toner containing essential oils or the rejuvenating elements of Vitamin E can prove to be similarly effective.
  • However if the facial skin is naturally oily, avoid using the same on face.
  • While going for manicure and pedicure, make sure to have your limbs soaked in lukewarm water enriched with drops of natural oils.
  • Facial masks containing avocado extracts in addition to olive oil is helpful during winter.
  • Similarly a blend of yogurt, buttermilk and sour cream or the creamy layer of milk with respective ingredients being combined in small measure is helpful for activating the skin's collagen content.
  • To do away with the conditions of hardness harnessed during winter, consumption of juicy fruits and vegetable with the particular inclusion of olive oil and primrose juice will prove to be a healthy alternative.
  • In order to get rid of external dryness and chaps, application of coconut oil prior to bathing can be another helpful option.
  • As far as application of oil is concerned, it is better to opt for ones which do not clog the dermal pores.
  • Non clogging oils such as avocado oil, primrose oil and almond oil should be preferred over those causing to block skin pores.
  • Application of petroleum jelly on areas particularly affected with chaps and dryness happens to be one of the most effective options.
  • Instead of using soap high in their alkaline content, it is better to have your skin washed with paste of ground gram and yogurt.
  • In case you prefer using soap, make sure to use one with adequate moisturizing content. Soaps based on natural oils and glycerin may turn out to be a healthy alternative.
  • Avoid using hot water for bathing; instead go for lukewarm water enriched with drops of glycerin or herbal oil such as tea tree oil to make up for the loss of moisture.
  • Skin may be similarly hydrated with cold creams and moisturizer oily in content. In place of water based moisturizers opted for during summer, go for the oily ones.
  • Moisturizing lotions based on glycerin and alpha-hydroxyl content can contribute to the smoothening feel of the skin.
  • To overcome conditions of dryness and chap formation on lips, opt for a lip balm enriched with Vitamin E.
  • In order to overcome flaking, chapping and itchy cracks caused during winter, use cotton socks & gloves to have yourself adequately covered from the pinching chill of winter.
  • Avoid using facial packs and masks which suck out the natural oil content of the skin. Facial pack containing mud should be avoided for this reason. Rather go for cleansing milk and oil based pack.
  • Use humidifiers to have the indoor environment well hydrated and moisturized. With the help of a humidifier, winter harnessed dryness and conditions of cracks can be overcome.
  • One need not avoid using sun's cream during winter, but it is always preferable using one with an increased moisturizing content.
  • Likewise, to get rid of ugly cracks on feet, go for a therapeutic ointment or lotion containing Vitamin E. In extreme cases of cracks, one needs to use ointment containing necessary anti biotic.
  • In case your work demands recurrent exposure to water, make sure to use gloves to have the hands well protected.
  • To prevent brittleness in nails, make sure to pamper your finger and toe nails with sufficient touches of oil, glycerin or moisturizers.

Saturday, 14 December 2013

How to Reduce High Level of Uric Acid

15 Simple Health Tips
Reduce your High Level of Uric Acid

High uric acid level can be reduced with a change in diet. Doctors strongly recommend making simple changes in diet like eliminating beef rolls and choosing green leafy vegetables, cabbage and high fiber foods instead for regulating uric acid levels.
Choose complex carbohydrates
Eat more whole grains, fruits and vegetables and fewer refined carbohydrates such as white bread, cakes and candy. Because foods rich in complex carbohydrates promote feelings of fullness, and prevent overeating and are useful in maintaining a healthy weight.
Avoid bakery products
Avoid cakes, pastries, cookies and other sugary delights which are rich in saturated fats and trans fats.
Cold-pressed olive oil
Use cold-pressed olive oil in cooking instead of shortening, butter or vegetable oils. Oils that have been subjected to heat or processing turn rancid quickly. Rancid fats destroy vitamin E in your body - this vitamin is necessary for controlling uric acid levels. Olive oil helps you avoid the production of excess uric acid, which is associated with the consumption of rancid fats.
Take in a healthy dose of vitamin C
To help reduce the amount of uric acid in your system, regularly taking 500 mg of vitamin C will decrease your uric acid levels in a month or two.
Drink plenty of fluids to help flush uric acid from your body
Drink a minimum of 3 and 1/2 liters of water daily. Water is a medium that aids the kidney to 'strain' the impurities from your body.
Also avoid high-protein weight-loss diets which can cause you to produce too much uric acid (hyperuricemia).
High-fibre foods
Foods high in dietary fibre may help lower uric acid levels in your blood. Dietary fibre may help absorb uric acid in your bloodstream, allowing it to be eliminated from your body through your kidneys. Increase the consumption of dietary soluble fibres such as Isabgol, Oats, Spinach, Broccoli to name few.
Celery seed extract
The seeds of the celery plant have long been used to treat gout, rheumatism and arthritis. Celery possesses sedative, antioxidant and mild diuretic action and is considered a urinary antiseptic. In rare cases, this herb is also used to treat sleeplessness, anxiety and nervous breakdown. Although the seeds of this plant are often used in herbal supplements, the roots may also be used.
Antioxidant-rich foods
Fruits and vegetables such as red bell peppers, tomatoes, blueberries, broccoli and grapes are rich sources of antioxidant vitamins. Antioxidants which are vitamins that prevent free radical molecules from attacking your organ and muscle tissue cells may help lower uric acid levels.
Cherries contain chemical compounds that may help neutralize uric acid allowing your body to eliminate this acid as waste. Some researchers recommend consuming 30 to 40 cherries every four hours during an attack.
Apple cider vinegar
It is believed that raw, apple cider vinegar can help alleviate high uric acid levels by changing the pH values of your blood. But it has to be raw, un-distilled, un-pasteurized apple cider vinegar; the kind you get from your local health food store.
Saturated fat, trans fat, sugar and alcohol
All above affect your triglycerides, a type of fat that can clog your arteries and increase your risk for heart attacks and strokes.
High-fructose corn syrup
This is a type of sweetener in soft drinks and other processed foods that can elevate your levels of triglyceride and uric acid - a chemical associated with diabetes, gout, alcoholism, kidney disease and other health problems.
Limit meat, poultry and fish
Animal proteins are high in purine and this will result in high uric acid levels in the body
Limit or avoid alcohol
Alcohol interferes with the elimination of uric acid from your body. Drinking beer in particular has been linked to gout attacks. If you are prone to uric acid attacks, limit alcohol consumption to one drink three times a week.

Monday, 2 December 2013

Benefits of Pomegranate Seed Oil

Benefits of Pomegranate Seed Oil

The pomegranate Oil is very beneficial, it’s benefits can be found in a single drop of its precious oil, pressed from the seeds found in the red arils of the fruit. Rich in rare Omega 5 essential fatty acid, it is the only known botanical source of Conjugated Linolenic Acid (CLnA), also known as Punicic Acid, one of the most potent antioxidants, and a natural phytoestrogen (plant-based estrogen).
Conjugated molecular structure makes it highly compatible with and easily absorbed by skin. Acting as a delivery system, it helps channel nutrients directly to the cell, accelerating the process of cellular regeneration and rejuvenation.
Rich in antioxidants, which deliver improvements in skin health and appearance by eliminating free radicals that can cause cellular degradation and premature aging.
Supports the body’s resilience against inflammation, which takes place on the cellular level and can be triggered by many factors (environmental toxins, stress, poor diet). Controlling this inflammatory response minimizes the possibility of illness and helps preserve the youthfulness of skin.

Contains a human-compatible form of phytoestrogen that supports hormonal balance and skin health.
Contains essential vitamins and minerals (B1, B2, C, potassium, and magnesium), is anti-carcinogenic, and supports and maintains immune, hormonal, circulatory, and metabolic health. 
As dry oil, it absorbs readily into skin without leaving any greasy residue. It is very important to source the pure, cold-pressed organic source of pomegranate seed oil.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Health & Nutrition Benefits of Quince

Fruit Benefits | Health Tips
Health & Nutrition Benefits of Eating Quince

Quince juice is known to have tonic, antiseptic, analeptic, astringent and diuretic properties.
It is believed that eating quince is good for maintaining the optimum cardiovascular health of an individual.
Quince is good for those suffering from anemia, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory illnesses, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and even asthma.
Quince boasts of antioxidant properties, which helps the body fight against free radicals and reduces the risk of cancer and Cardio Vascular diseases.
Researchers have revealed that quinces might be rich in various anti-viral properties.
Being rich in dietary fiber, quince is good for those people who are trying to lose weight and maintain a healthy body.
Consumption of quince has been found to be beneficial for people suffering from gastric ulcer.
Regular consumption of quince not only aids in digestion, but also helps lower cholesterol.
The presence of potassium in quince helps the body keep high blood pressure in check.
The vitamin C present in quince helps reduce the risk of heart disease in individuals.
If consumed on a regular basis, quince proves beneficial for those afflicted with tuberculosis, hepatic insufficiency, diarrhea and dysentery.
Those suffering from liver diseases and eye diseases would surely benefit from regular quince consumption.
Being rich in antioxidants, quince is believed to be helpful in relieving stress and attaining calm.
Quince is low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium, while having lots of vitamin C, dietary fiber and copper.
The juice as well as pulp of boiled or baked quince fruit serves as a good anti-emetic remedy.
If you eat quince it will benefit you via:
  • A large overall amount of antioxidants, helping to fight free radicals
  • Healthy Food for Heart Patients
  • Plenty of Vitamins A and C
  • Help in combating Cardiovascular and respiratory problems
  • Digestive support
  • Help in lowering high blood pressure due to potassium

Friday, 8 November 2013

Hands Care Tips In Winter Season

Beauty Tips for Winter
Hands Care Tips In Winter Season

The dryness of hands is the tremendous discovered trouble amongst the people. In order to overcome the dryness level just mix the rose water and glycerin in warm water and apply the paste with gentle massage on hands for half an hour.
For making the hands soft and calm take one small spoon of sunflower oil, coarse sugar and lemon juice. Mix the whole blend until it does not get thick. Now apply the paste on hands for 15 minutes. In just two weeks you will come across with a new softness of hands.
The skin of our hands is thin, delicate, and often dry; this is why it is the first to suffer from cold winds, frost, and dry heated air inside our apartments. The most important hand protection from winter elements is as simple as just to wear gloves.
For decreasing the whitening of the hands take some sugar on the hand and mix few drops of lemon juice on it. Gently spread the mixture on the palms and backside of the hand and you will get the fair hand color in just two weeks.

Friday, 25 October 2013

Beauty and Health Benefits of Pumpkin

Pumpkin Health Secrets |
Home Made Effective Tips Using Pumpkin
| Pumpkin Beauty Recipes

Do you like eating this fruit? Mostly people dislike and don’t want to make it, a part of their daily diet. But do you actually know that pumpkin is a much nutritious fruit! Not only used in daily meals, but also commonly used for home made remedies to acquire face beauty. The purpose of this article is basically demonstration of valuable characteristics of pumpkin and revealing upon you some important  health and beauty secrets hidden in pumpkin which surely attract you towards this fruit and later on, you would certainly like to take it for catching those undisclosed.
Pumpkin Health Benefits:

  • Pumpkin consists of beta-carotene, having a lot of nutritious elements inside it. It is often used as a medicine in stomach diseases, eradicates urine irritation and removes harmful gastric and infectious affects inside stomach.

  • If you are feeling unsleeping or drowsy in summer, just massage pumpkin pieces on your foot heels, it will provide a deep comfort. Moreover; Mix pumpkin juice with til oil, and massage your head daily with this also bestows you a profound slumber.

  • Pumpkin seeds comprise of powerful anti-aging anti oxidants, having vitamins E, selenium, and essentials acids which are vital for skin growth.

  • Their seeds contain minerals and vitamins which assist to perk up skin structure with its continuance as a soft and flexible skin. They protect your skin from ultra violet sunrays, smoothen it and protect it from production of dark black skin freckles.

  • Pumpkin having zinc aids to maintain the normal level of collision in human body. Combination of zinc and selenium in pumpkin fights against acne; where as vitamin A can also be found the most in pumpkin which nurture and activates the new cells of human body. Besides, it also helps to repair the damage and broken cells.
  • Pumpkin includes fatty acids which controls the usual fat level and also sustains the moisture level in human body.

Pumpkin Seeds Benefits for Health:

Scientific research reveals that taking Pumpkin seeds as snakes are very effective in excluding kidney stones and all the elements which could help to make stones.
  • They reduce the urine infection and for the excess of urine, they are effectively used.

  • Pumpkin seeds assist to remove parasites, tape & round worms which harm your stomach system.

  • Their seeds have anti viral characteristics, having abundance of calcium, magnesium & zinc strengthening your bones.

  • They contain tryptophan, amino acid that reduces depression and makes your mood happy and calm.

  • They are used commonly in medicines for arthritis disease.

  • Pumpkin seeds are equally beneficial for the beauty of your hairs, nails and skin too by consisting of omega fatty acids and vitamins A & E.
  • They contain such anti oxidants which protect you from breast and prostate cancer.

Effective Home Made Remedies Using Pumpkin

Health Tips:

For Headache: Take 4-5 spoons of fresh pumpkin pulp. Apply this on your forehead just for 15-20 minutes. You will surely feel relaxed in a while.

For Ear Pain: Take 2 tea spoons of milk and mix pumpkins juice in the same quantity. Now, drip 2-3 drops in ear, and put a cotton piece. You will get pain relief after a few seconds.

For Molar Pain: Boil a square piece of pumpkin and 4-5 garlic in a half liter of water. When water remains half, gargle with it 5-7 minutes. It will abolish molar pain.

For Eyes swelling & Reddishness: take some pumpkin peels and let them dry in sunlight. Make their powder after frying in a frying pan. Apply daily morning in your eyes like kohl; it will certainly reduce swelling of your eyes but also eliminates their reddishness and magically increases your eyesight.

For Constipation: Let some pumpkin peels to be dry in room temperature till 2 or 3 days. Then grind and make their powder. Now take one glass of lukewarm water and mix one tea spoon of this powder with honey in the same quantity into this water. Drinking it daily morning proves very effectual for constipation.

For Liver Heat & Jaundice: Take small pieces of pumpkin and one table spoon of tamarind; boil them into 750 gram of water. When it remains 250g, let it become cold, sieve this water, and mix 2-3 spoons of sugar. Use this water till one week. It reduces liver heat and helps for new blood production.

For Kidney Pain: Pumpkin seeds abolish the production of calcium oxalate stones. Take fresh pumpkin pulp; make it warm on dim heat, put it now on effected place for a few minutes, pain will be eliminated gradually.

For Arthritis Pain: An effective remedy for this problem is Daily massaging your joints with pumpkin seeds oil. It will reduce the pain and inflammation of arthritis.

Skin Beauty Tips:
Pumpkin Face Mask Recipe: Take 2 tea spoon pumpkin pulp, half spoon of honey, ¼ spoon of thick cream (or half tea spoon of sugar for dry skins), & one tea spoon of apple vinegar (or crane berry juice for oily skins). Mix them very well. Apply this mask to whole face except eyes below & upper parts, with your fingertips for 15 minutes. Later on wash your face with tepid water.

Spice Facial Recipe: Take 2 table spoons of pumpkin, half spoon honey, half spoon milk, and ¼ spoon of cinnamon powder. Make their paste. Now first wash your face with fresh water, and then apply this paste for 15-20 minutes. Wash later with lukewarm water. This facial contains vitamins and enzymes, which make your skin clean, soft and flexible.

Face Scrub: Take 5-6 spoons of pumpkin pulp, 3 table spoons of sugar, and half cup of pumpkin seeds oil. Make a thick paste. Now apply it on your face for 2 to 3 minutes.

Anti aging Mask: Blend some pumpkin piece. Mix yolk of 2 eggs and a little sandal oil. Now apply this paste for 20 minutes. Wash your face with fresh water later.

I’m sure you have been astonished after reading these amazing benefits of pumpkin and definitely made the intention to include this fruit in your daily diet!